Sensory Analysis of Honey Online 6 - hour Workshop
Begin your training to become a honey sensory expert with this 6 hours honey tasting workshop in 3 consecutive zoom sessions. Whether you are a honey enthusiast, beekeeper or just looking to refresh your current sensory skills, this course will sharpen your senses and give you a strong foundation and deeper understanding of honey. Attendees will learn the psychology and physiology of how humans experience smell, taste, flavor and mouthfeel through interactive sensory exercises. Learn the methods of sensory analysis to evaluate honey by color, taste, flavor and texture and write detailed tasting notes for 8 unifloral (US and non-US) honey samples. Emphasis will be on using correct vocabulary when describing the characteristics of each honey. Taste and evaluate defects in honey, various types of crystallization interactively with a professional honey sensory instructor. This on line course takes place on Zoom. PDF of the presentations will be available for download. Printable certificates of completion from the AHTS will be mailed to students. Price of this workshop covers a honey kit with all honey samples and all class materials and shipping.
Course itinerary:
1° session (2,5 hours) – leading Marina Marchese
Introduction to Sensory Analysis of Honey - powerpoint presentation
*Gustatory exercise
*Olfactory test: recognition of 9 standards odors
Learn how to use Honey aroma and flavor wheel/Honey color chart - talk
*Guided smelling of 5 uni-floral honeys, complete honey ID cards
BREAK-5 minute
The tasting technique - leading Marina Marchese - powerpoint presentation
*Taste and learn 8 uni-floral honey samples description and memorizing of olfactory and gustative characteristics - fill honey cards
2° session (1,75 hours) – leading Gian Luigi Marcazzan
* Review: Tasting of 8 uni-floral honey samples – description and memorizing of olfactory and gustative characteristics
– add to honey cards
Honey defects - powerpoint presentation
*Tasting of 3 honey samples with defects
* Challenge -2 sets of discriminatory triangle test
3° session (1,75 hours) – leading Raffaele Dall’Olio
Crystallization causes and technology, defects)- powerpoint presentation
* Tasting of 3 honey samples with different kinds of crystallization
How sensory analysis is beneficial (characterization, promotion, competition, better beekeeper) (talk/powerpoint presentation
* Blind test: olfactory-gustatory recognition of 4 uni-floral honey samples
* Final Q&A - Certificates of completion